Thursday, 9 August 2012

Oriental Exhibition

Images taken at Oritental Museaum, Durham 

Variety of images from 'galleries devoted to China, Ancient Egypt, Japan, India and Tibet, the Islamic World and South East Asia' (Text from

"One in Five: Photographs of China" by James Sebright

Images taken at Oriental Museum, Durham. 

"One in Five: Photographs of China" by James Sebright 

"China is here.  Not only the largest nation in the world, but also shortly to become the largest economy in the world.  The impact of China on the global stage in undeniable.  As the balance shifts from west to east, the 'Middle Kingdom' increasingly impacts upon all of our lives. 
According to the 2010 Chinese census, China accounts for 19.3% of the world's population - almost one in five people on this planet.  Who are these people?  What do they look like?  How do they live?  How much of what we think we know about China is based on hearsay, myths or propoganda from a bygone age? 
Between September 2009 and February 2010, photographer James Sebright travelled extensively through China, photographing the people he met and observed, their behaviour and their landscape.  In this exhibition he seeks to put a human face to China, to present one man's attempt to try to understand China for himself. " (text from )

Absolutely Fabrics

Images taken at Absolutely Fabrics, Newcastle 

Oxfam Boutique

Taken at Oxfam Boutique, Durham 

Kiwi Trading

Images taken at local shop: Kiwi Trading